by Paule Muller
History of the town of Schonlanke by Paul Mallach,
former teacher in Schonlanke. (Based on these two major sources.
Eduard Spude of Driesen,
History of the Town of Schonlanke and District,
issued Deutsch Krone 1885 and Professor Carl Schulz, Schonlanke: Sources and History of the District, issued in Schonlanke 1936.)
The Polish Historian, Lucaszewicz
claims in 1510 the area was in the property of Wenzel Trzcinski,
the geographer. The land was available for settlement and was permitted to be
called Trzianka. In 1581 Trzianka
Lanka had 27 horses, and 1 mill. The boss of the village was Mrs. Hedwig Czarnkowska.
On September 6, 1610 Adam Czarnkowski
sold his village and herititary disposition Trzianka Lanke plus surroundings
to Mrs. Hewig von Trzezka
von Helkowo for 4000 Guilders. A registration of this
transfer is mentioned in the Kroner Register on November 29, 1610. In 1629 a schulze Kierstanus (Kersten) is mentioned with regards to a sworn tax
In 1641 a report from a visitor, Braneckis talks about the settlement of 80 tradesmen (with
houses and gardens), 28 tenants, and 1 school principal. The minister George Rzepinski could speak German. In this report it is also
mentioned the amount of grain or money each family has to give to the minister
and the principal. Nothing is mentioned about confessions of the people.
In 1671 the village Schonlanke
had achieved such an importance that King Michael gave them the right to hold
four country fairs. There are exact rules as to what can be exhibited, sold,
bought etc.
The Polish authorities had tried for years to
persuade German farmers to settle and now they are eager to get tradesmen as
well. Sheep raising in that area resulted in cloth
weaving. In 1679 Andreas Gembicki gave the weavers,
Lorenz Braun, Michael Patz, Hans Zybarth,
Hans Hesler, Georg Sckhroeder,
Andreas Mielke, Joachim Zager,
and Michael Ising the privelage
with exact rights and duties. These included the masters' rights and duties
towards their journeymen and apprentices, and what rules and laws have to be
observed within their trades when hiring apprentices and at meetings and the
acceptance of new tradesmasters.
The manufactured cloth was easily sold to
Poland, Russia, Danzig, and even China. Besides the weavers, other trades immigrated.
The mayor of Usch, Adam Alexander Naramowski,
heir of Czarnikau and Schloppe,
in December 15 1701 gave special rights and privileges to the shoemakers,
Michael Glesmer, Peter Henselin,
Christoph Henselin, and
George Schwart.
The power of the landowners was very strong.
For the purchase of real estate, the landowners ok was required. There are
documents of land purchases by Adam Naramowski and
Martin Kemitz in 1707. In 1720 Peter Ivanski sold to Martin Warnke and
his wife Eleonare Schroder a deserted homestead.
Several other deals are on record. In 1721 purchases recorded were by Anton Szembek, Bartholomaus Mittelstadt and his wife Katarina Ponto.
On March 3, 1731 a new settlement was formed
next to Schonlanke by newly settled tradesmen. This
new settlement achieved more and more importance. King August of Poland
recognized this and gave them the Magdeburg townrights.
The date March 3rd, 1731 is now the official founding date of the
town Schonlanke.
The citizens of the town now could elect
their own mayor and councilors that could speak and enforce justice and settle
disputes. The settlers of the village, however, remained servants of the
property owners.
The languages of the surrounding villages
were remarkably different and it is assumed that the citizens were mainly from
Northern Germany, Holland and the Rhine Valley. These are areas in which
weaving had been long successful. This trade was given the permit in 1734 to
build a cloth dying plant. Amongst the settlers were a number of Jews, who got
special rights given to them by the commissioner, Johan Zandrowicz,
by order of Count Stanislau Poniatowski.
The cloth trade was regulated; for example,
when and where they can buy wool, what they can use as trade, and what tax they
have to pay. In 1753 the privilege given to the weavers had been misused
because many Masters could not understand the Polish language. Therefore the privileges has been repeated, point by point in German. In
1764 a second dying plant was build because the one could not handle the
demand. In all these years many documents talk of buying and selling of real
estate, farms and meadows that required the approval of the landowners.
The town Schonlanke
became very successful thanks to the efforts of the settlers. When in 1772 the
whole district including Schonlanke became Prussian,
the surrounding areas had a population of 543 people. The town of Schonlanke had 2071 of which 264 were Jewish (merchants,
tailors, butchers and furriers). Almost all people where German.
In the peace treaty of Tilsit
in 1807 Napoleon confiscated the towns Schloppe and Schonlanke, and gave them to his friend, Marchal Berthier. A French
governor did the administration of the land. He fired the mayor Schade in Schonlanke and
councilors. Mr. Schade died of a broken heart one
year later.
In 1807 French troops followed the Prussian
Army into East Prussia and Schonlanke was under
French Occupation. They occupied the best rooms in the best houses. All food
was confiscated. The French troops destroyed all the farms and stole the
cattle. In 1812 there was a great famine. The villagers came begging into the
town and were fed by the town's people even though they had very little.
The Polish officer Czywinski
became the new mayor. His deputy was a Doctor Fraelich.
The treasurer was a stranger by the name of Ulmann.
Since Schonlanke belonged to the principality of Warschau (1807-1815), the council in Warschau
sent Councilor Bayl to Czarnikau
in July 1813. On October 1 Councilor Bayl called the
mayor and the school principals to the office and relieved them from all
agreements with Prince Bertheir.
It was really bad when the defeated French
Army came back from Russia. An emergency hospital was built for the beaten,
starving soldiers. It was in the house of the merchant Ludke.
Soon the makeshift hospital was overcrowded. It was the bricklayer Moll who ran
the hospital. When he reported the conditions, his face turned grave. He had to
drag the dead by their feet down the stairs into a big hole into the garden.
The bodies were then covered with layers of caustic calcium then water. The
mass grave became a big hill. In a decade's time, the grave collapsed and
nobody knew anymore where it was. The war was over and Schonlanke
was Prussian again!
Written records of this time are not available
but Edward Spude, who was born in 1820 in Schonlanke and who wrote the first book about Schonlanke, collected the reports of his grandfather and of
other older people who lived during that time.
In July 1815 members of the new Prussian
Government in Bromberg arrived. They wrote a comprehensive report about the
businesses, especially the large weaving industry and the incomes of the
citizens, churches, and schools. It carries the signatures of all the
councilors and judges.
With great effort the past ruins were removed
and in 1815 Schonlanke had population of 2915; 1677
were Protestant, 628 Catholic, and 610 Jews. The citizens owned about 40
hectares of land. They grew rye, barley, oats and peas. The main food was
potatoes. Potatoes were eaten in many different forms. In the morning, potato
soup, at noon, potatoes with bacon or meat or fish. Evening again potatoes with
herring, butter and salt, but the people got strong and were able to work hard.
From July 1, 1814 to July 1, 1815, the
weavers made 21404 pieces of cloth on 250 looms. 1071 workers brought in 256848
talers (3 talers = one
dollar). In spite of the destruction by the French, the town soon had 380 cows,
2 horses, 120 sheep, 15 lambs, and 23 pigs. The government was the rulers. They
selected the mayor and he selected the magistrate.
In 1822 the Russians closed the borders and
business slowed down. Even though Holland, England and Danzig bought the cloth,
soon a new enemy appeared.
On the Rhine River in Westfalia,
in Sachen, in the Lausitz,
machines replaced the hand weaver. Small towns were unable to follow the trend.
Although the government was willing to help, the weavers fell into proverty. Many went to Poland and Russia where they found
work in Lodz, Kiew, and Odessa in more modern factories.
Those that stayed behind had to find new ways to earn a living.
In 1836 the citizens were allowed to elect
their own mayor. The former mayor who was appointed by the government was very
unpopular. That is why in 1837 the justice lawyer Matzky
from Schloppe was elected. It was a good choice,
since he was justice for almost half a century. Good ruling positions were also
given to the pharmacist Tietze and the weaver August Spude. Women had no voting rights but were satisfied with
the order.
The political unrest in 1847-1848 was not
without problems for Schonlanke. The unrest hampered
commerce, business, construction and manufacturing in Berlin and other large
cities. Many workers became destitute and were ready to be hostile against the
rulers. Efforts were made to relocate the unhappy masses as far away from the
cities as possible and give them work and time to calm down.
Already in 1842 there were plans to build a
railway line from Berlin via Konigsburg to the
Russian border. The tracks were surveyed and the cost estimates made. The first
part of the line was started from Kreuz to Schnedemuhl. The unsatisfied workers from Berlin were moved
there. They were housed in barracks. Building offices were established in Filehne, Schonlanke and Skhneidehuhl. Military outposts were built along the line
"just in case". Because of this and the friendly treatment from the
supervisors the people calmed down and building was speedy.
In July 1849 the line from Schnedemuchl to Bromberg was opened. A locomotive, decorated
with flowers and wreaths was driven along the route and cheered by bystanders.
When finally connected between Schneidemuhl; Dirschau; and Konigsberg, the rail line from Berlin to St Petersberg was completed; the work ended on 12 October
1857. Even if Schonlanke was only a small stop on the
line, an improvement in travel and business was noticeable. Agricultural and
other products could be taken to the railways and brought to other towns and
villages much easier to be sold.
After the weaving business declined, the
shoemaking trade developed strongly. The shoemaker master Stegemann
founded a Co-Op. It was very successful and it had 704 members in 1873. It had
a yearly turnover of 1,382,362 marks. After the founder’s death, his daughter Emiline Stegemann was his
successor. Her picture was published in 1900 in the magazine "Die Woche" with the description "the first Bank
manager of Germany". This co-op changed its name to "Volkbank" (People’s Bank) but it came to an end with
the arrival of Soviet Troops in 1945.
In 1794 there already was a gun club in Schonlanke. After the wars of 1864; 1866; 1870; and 1871, a
new Defense League was established. The League asked the Emperor to be issued a
flag. The plea was granted and the royal crest painter, Glynski
was ordered to create a Flag. The crest showed a golden steer in a black
background. Also a monument to remember the three wars was placed on a plaza in
front of the railway station, Bismark Strasse. It consisted of a granite socket of several meters
high, topped with a solid eagle with open wings. In 1945 the Russians placed a
tank at the market place. The eagle was placed beneath the tank to emphasize
that the Russians defeated the German eagle
Soon after Schonlanke
had a larger municipality a simple wooden church was built. In an old record,
it said, "our old wooden church has collapsed and a new one was built in
1601. It was again a wooden church. A big fire in Schonlanke
consumed this church. In 1717 again a church made of wood was built. The church
was never consecrated because the government collapsed and no proper architect
design could be produced, or cost estimates so a place was bought from the
widow Zantow for 25.00 dollars.
A building permit was issued on January 20th,
1775. The building was started to the plan of building inspector Jawein. Instrumental were the weavers, Christoph
Mittelstadt, Andreas Modrow,
Johannes Kruger, Martin Wiese. The building was built
for 1669 dollars, 17 dimes and 6 pennies. The interior was still missing but
many good dollars were found and the interior was decorated and finished with
an altar, pews and even an organ. The church was officially consecrated in
1775. Soon it was apparent that the church was too small for the large
congregation therefore the village built their own church in 1799. This church
burnt down in a huge fired on August 31st, 1829. This church was
never rebuilt.
There were plans to build a big church and it
was started on September 14th, 1943. Not on the old site but on the
northern end of the big market place. On October 15, 1847, the birthday of King
Friedrich Wilhelm IV, who paid almost all of the building costs, the church was
consecrated. It had two choirs, connected with a bridge where the minister held
his services. When the church was renovated, 50 years later, the bridge
disappeared and a proper pulpit was built. That is what the church looked like
when the soviets occupied the area in 1945. The Poles did not use the church as
such. In time it became to be used as a house of culture, later as a
storehouse. The church fell more and more into disrepair and has now totally
The official superintendent was Pastor
Hartmann when the church was consecrated. Following Pastor Hartmann,
was Pastor Janike. After him came Pastor Ritter. When
he died his son-in-law, Altmann took over. With him
was Pastor Henke. After him was Pastor Hessler who
was much honoured and loved. Then came
Pastors Wessberge, Bartel,
and Trapp. The last pastor was Pastor Schroer. He had
the sad duty of burying the citizen killed by the occupied Russians. Finally,
he too, was captured by the Russian and he died somewhere in Russia.
The first time a school was mentioned was by
the visiting Bishop Brenecki in 1641. It says, "there is a schoolhouse for children. The principal was to
receive yearly, 12 bushels of rye". Another bishop, "Kierski" mentions a school in 1738. The location of
the school can only be assumed, which was mostly likely near the church. The
teachers were the tradesmen. In 1834 the school had two grades and a properly
trained teacher was hired. Teacher Arndt was hired and assisted by teacher Schommel in 1882. After that the teacher was
"Grosser" until 1901. The school now had three grades.
The schoolhouse was no longer safe and from
1839 to 1849 classes were held in rented rooms. Only in 1854 the schoolhouse
was repaired and was again used. Soon the two classrooms were not enough. A new
schoolhouse was built on Linden Strasse besides the
village school and had six class rooms, as well as, an apartment for the
principal. Under the leadership of the new principal the school got 7
classrooms. Finally the apartment of the principal was also converted into
classrooms. Now the school had 8 classrooms and a small teacher’s room. There
was still not enough room and all teaching implements and books had to be
stored on the floor in the classrooms.
On April 1, 1926 when Mr. Kastner
became principal, his aim was to build a better, bigger school. After long
negotiations, the government finally agreed to build a new school by
incorporating the old one. The city architect "Grahmann"
designed a masterpiece and work started without interrupting the schooling.
Sometimes teachers and students had to climb over ladders to get to their
classrooms. August 1932, the new school was finally finished.
The new school year started in November 1933.
This new school had 13 classrooms, 2 rooms for teaching equipment, 1
principal’s office, and a teacher’s room, a drawing room, which also served as
a conference room. Also there was a room for teaching handy work and one room
apartment for the custodian. In the basement there was a kitchen and a shower
room. The school was named the "Hindenburg School". When the Russians
marched in, the school burnt down, but the Poles rebuilt it and used it for
other things.
A Lutheran school did not exist during the
Polish rule. Private teachers taught the children until 1773 when Lutherans
schools were permitted. In 1787 the first Protestant school was erected at the
site where later, a war memorial stood. On January 1st, 1788 a Theologist, Gabriel Hanow was the
first teacher. Succeeded by Gottllob
Voight. In 1809 Techner,
much later, 1874 the main teacher was Buchholz, 1876 main teacher Knopke, 1800 Bieber, 1883 Langholz, 1885 principal Sabatke,
1909, principal Grau. After his death came Principal
Siegfried. He was transferred to the teacher training school in Schneidemuhl. His successor was principal Klawitter. He was captured by the Russians Troops in 1945
because he was a leader in the German Home Defence.
After his release he worked as a junior high school teacher in Cuxhaven and
died on January 10, 1952.
The Vocational Schools remained even when
Protestant schools started in 1787. Only in 1826 they were united with the
other schools and a trained teacher was hired. Both teachers had about 400
students to teach. In 1830 the school had 3 classes; 1833, there were 4
classes. At last it was a school with 7 sections and 18 classrooms and 16
Vocational places besides the town school.
The village had their own school. In the
beginning it had only one room, 1837, 2 rooms, and in 1893, four rooms. In
1898, the village school was united with the town school, 4 in the village
school and a confirmation room. This arrangement did not work well, therefore
several houses and other buildings at the Matzky
place had to be demolished to make room for a very impressive new school with
several additions. After World War 1 it had 25 classrooms, 1 principal office,
2 teacher conference rooms, 4 equipment rooms, 1 drawing room, 1 kitchen, 1
shower room and an apartment for the custodian. After 1933 the school was
renamed "Adolf Hitler School". In 1938 all religious schools were
united with public schools into 2 districts.
The Jewish congregation was ordered in 1823
to build their own school for their 200 children. Reluctantly, a schoolhouse
was erected but the number of children declined and in 1913 it was dissolved
because only 10 children remained.
On September 1st, 1886 a public and
vocational school was established. Besides regular teachers there were masters
of all trades lectured. In 1920 the school was called a Trade School and had
educated trades school teachers. The last Director was Johannes Schmidtchen. On April 1st, 1939 the school
became a college. The Head was Rector Birkholz,
followed by Rector Villaret in 1898. Between 1849-1888, the Head was Rector Zimmermann. In 1854
the class was transferred to the ex town hall which was bought by cloth weaver
Sauer. Also two more classes moved in. 1903 under the leadership of Rector Herbst, for 5 classes. 1907, the government took it over.
On April 1st, 1925 the school was improved to become a university
and diplomas were issued. The Head was Director Kirsch. The last leader was Kolhhase in 1945.
In 1846 Hulda Boltz established a private school for girls who wanted a
higher education. It existed until 1879. Teacher Erdmann Hentschel, established a
similar school which however was connected with a public school for boys. This
school was taken over by Miss Elise Ruhe in 1893 and
existed until 1922. The economic situation forced the closure of that school.
Some of the female students were taken over by the college. Others went to a
girl's high school that was part of the Protestant School Board. From these
classes they formed a very popular girls middle school
administered by the principal of the public school.
City administrators tried unsuccessfully to
have a teachers college in Schonlanke. However in
April 1st, 1900 a teacher’s preparation school was established in
the former boys' school. Later, a better teacher college was established, this
school was closed in 1923. Sons and daughters of farmers were better educated
at the school for agriculture, which was established in 1902. In 1925 the
municipality renewed this school.
Schonlanke was well equipped with schools. North of the rail was
Schneidemuhl-Filehne Line, which was administered by
a district school department. All the schools south of the railway line were
under the jurisdiction of the Schneidemuhl council.
In the last decade the following principals resided in Schonlanke;
Rajewski; Dr. Radtke;
Homburg and Saddey. The top administrator was in 1935
a son of our city, Emil Pax, who was transferred to
Osnabruck as a top director for the government shortly prior to his retirement.
An old log house at the market square served
as a hospital. Due to the lack of proper medical equipment and small rooms, the
condition was impossible. In 1923 the hospital was moved into the former
teachers college on Bahnhof Street. It was progress.
One of the practicing doctors was also a
hospital doctor. Soon this house was also too small and an addition was added
to include a surgery department. A very good chief surgeon Dr. Mohr was hired.
He made a name for himself with his appendectomies and other more tricky
operations. Unfortunately, he committed suicide when the soviets marched in.
When Schonlanke was
declared a city in 1731 it also became under the law of the Magdeburg justice
system. It became a more comprehensive justice system because the village of Schonlanke remained under the Polish rule. In 1772 when
Prussia took over, all these justice systems were abolished and both systems
were united and put under Schneidemuhl’s justice
In 1788 the German language was the language
of justice and business. The new peace time justice system changed little at
the present system. Only in 1835-1837 was the system reorganized and Schonlanke received two courts, one for the city, and one,
for the country.
The first Director was Mr. Mehler. In 1849 wartime courts were established and
Director Mehler was transferred to Danzig. Director Klotzsch took over the job. These courts also took in the
district Filehne, Czarnikau,
and surrounding villages. These courts had 8-10 justices and several lower
assistants. The building was now too small and the jail was too unsafe. Therefor a new building including a jail was erected in the
middle of the town. It had a strong wall surrounded it.
Reorganization took place in 1879 and Schneidemuhl received a Supreme Court. Lower courts were in
Schonlanke, Filehne and Czarnikau. The number of judges was reduced to three. This
way all justice systems were united with those of the whole German Fatherland
even though this was detrimental to Schonlanke. The
last acting justice was Konrad Moller
who found a peaceful home after an adventurous flight in Wolfenbuttel
near Braunschweig.
Schonlanke did not have a City Hall. The elected mayor Ludwig Matzky bought a farmhouse at 32 Linden Street in 1838. It
had rooms for city administration and also an apartment for him. He also bought
a two-story apartment building on Bahnhof Street in
1854. There was room for offices and a boy’s school. When the school got its own
building the upper rooms were changed to an apartment for the Mayor. Mr. Matzky was honored for his work in the development of the
city. Therefore the place in front of Protestant school was called "Matzky Square". After the decline of the weaving industry
he called the shoemakers, locksmiths, tailors and other tradesmen.
The houses were all built of logs. The wood
came from the surrounding forests. The roofs were covered with shakes. This is
why fires destroyed whole streets in the years 1740, 1751, 1759 and 1777. Also
the nice cottages disappeared. King Friedrich The
Great gave everyone who built a house from brick with a massive chimney a
reward of 200 Talers (dollars). It was no longer an
advantage to build houses from wood. The last wooden houses were the Pharmacy
and Luttke’s house at #9 Bahnhof
Street. Although their appearance was not very good, they still were preserved
as heritage buildings after 150 years. Mr. Matzky
died in 1896. His successor was Oskar Lessing 1896 to 1900. After him came Emil
Rentel, who governed the city until 1910.
In all those years new wood working sawmills
were built. Lumber and other wood products manufactured by Mr. Zindler, Herrmann, Gebhardt, Korehnke, Levy, and last Oberlander.
Furniture produced by Michel Zimpel was much in
demand. The fashion demanded many carvings and lathe work. A new business
started for many hundred of workers in the cigar factory of the Brothers Will, Eckersdorf, Haase, Grunwald, Grunberg and Eppenstein. Wages were low, 16 to 17 Marks was very little
to live on. The wives had to also work to make ends meet.
The teachings of Marx, Engels –Lasalle found many open ears. Soon a Socialist Union was
formed. They celebrated May 1st, as Labor Day. May policeman were in
attendance to make sure the red flag was only unfolded outside the town. The
electoral district of Kolmar, Czarnikau, Filehne were politically represented by a Conservative
Minister. Many years it was the factory owner Zindler,
Schonllanke followed by landowner Count von
The 18 town councilors were elected by a 3rd
class system. Therefore the Jewish Community was the strongest because they
were the highest tax payers. The talented town mayor, schoolteacher, Gustav
Rosen Treter, made sure the Jewish influence was held
down. The town’s representatives did make a good choice, when they elected the
mayor of Exin, Erich Froese
to become their mayor after Rentels past away. His
knowledge, skill, and understanding for the needs of the people made him very
popular. He started his job June 1st, 1910. In the First World War
he took part as a Lieutenant of the Reserves. He was wounded four times and got
captured by the French. He was released February 1820 and continued his former
job. When the Russians occupied in 1945 he did not leave and he was taken to
Russia on Feb. 3rd. During the trip he took ill and died in a Polish
Clinic on April 3rd, 1945.
In 1898 the village Schonlanke
was partly and totally united with the town Schonlanke.
The town had now 8000 residents. Up to that time, gas or kerosene illuminated
the streets. Later the town council decided to have them electrified. In the
beginning of the 20th century a power plant and a slaughterhouse
were built on Rathans Street. Power consumption
increased from year to year, because factories had electrical machinery.
Therefore the town had to be hooked up to the electrical-net.
Losing the war of World War 1 was very
significant. The provinces of Posen and West Prussia became almost totally the
property of Poland. In a People’s Plebiscite it was decreed that the railway
line Krenz-Schneidenuhl-Konitz remain under German
administration. The Line became the borderline. The southern part of the
community of Kolmar, Czarnikau, Filene and Schonlanke became Polish. The northern part became a new
community and Schonlanke became the main city.
Now it was necessary to build housing for the
municipal workers. So the Department for Municipal Affairs and new apartments
built in the Jahn Street and Marke
Street and in other locations. Altogether, 150 apartments were built. Many
departments opened including a Tax Department, Customs Department and also
On the Lake Zaskov
a bathhouse and beach hall were built. Before and after W.W.1 there were
several exercise and body building clubs, a rowing club and in 1919 the club
"Hellas" also engaged in Soccer. A famous member was Gerhard Stock,
who won the Gold Medal in javelin throwing and a Bronze in steelball
throwing in 1936.
In those years Schonlanke
also got a long planned waterline with a pumping station on Zasker
Lake. The City received a whole new appearance when the streets were paved and
pedestrian walkways were renewed. The population was now 9000. Approximately
two thirds were Protestant and one third Catholic. There were also 386 Jews.
In 1925 Adolph Hitler formed the Nazi Party.
They were mainly fighting communism. There were had many sympathizers amongst
the unemployed (7 million). The powerless government of the Weimar Republic was
unable to create work and income for those masses. It was impossible to unite
all the groups and clubs (32) to achieve a majority. The government changed
many times. Hitler promised to end all of this. The ex-president, Marchal Paul von Hindenburg named Hitler to be Chancellor
on January 30, 1933. Hitler outlawed all other parties. So his N.S.D.A.P.
(Nazi) became the only governing party. Also in Schonlanke
a new group joined the new party. The first orders by Hitler promised an
improvement. New rules and regulations were a definite improvement for the
business owners. Hitler’s hope was to enlarge the German Country using warlike
On November 8th, 1938 the
synagogue in Schonlanke, together with other
Synagogues went up in flames. The remaining Jews were herded into a long
freight train and moved away. Where they ended up is not known. Some Jewish
families managed to immigrate to America or Palestine but it has to be
mentioned that the Nazi’s in Schonlanke managed to
have nobody from Schonlanke taken to a concentration
Then came World War
2. The troop movements also touched the city. The successes against Poland and
France gave everybody much confidence. It only became doubtful when the troops
marched into Russia in spite of the non-aggression treaty from 1939. In spite
of great successes in the beginning, the goal to reach Moscow was not achieved.
Behind the Sports Arena a Barracks was built
in which 700 Balkan Germans found shelter. In July 1943 Schonlanke
accepted evacuees including 2 public schools with 400 and 120 children. Housing
was difficult because with the children came also their mothers. Although the
pupils were spread over all the other schools, it was soon impossible to
oversee them all. The school was converted into field hospitals. The town grew
to 10,500 people.
After United States of America entered the
war, air raids were more frequent. Schonlanke was
Germany’s Air Raid Shelter. Only once a bulk of 140 airplanes flew over the
town in 1944 but no bombs fell.
In August 1944, 700 women were moved to Jastrow to work building defense structures. After October,
also in Schonlanke shelters and ditches were built.
In mid January 1945, ethnic Germans from the Warthegau
moved through the town. Soon the German front on the river Werchsel
collapsed. On January 26th, 1945, seven Russian tanks appeared. Of
these 2 were destroyed by bazookas. The others escaped. An officer who was on
Leave and with relatives was able to round up 50 soldiers from the hospitals to
defend the city, but on January 27th the Russians conquered it.
Artillery and fire destroyed many houses in Bahntof Street and the Market Place as well as in other
areas. Approximately 50% of the town was destroyed. The appointed Polish mayor
put all the remaining people to work. From time to time, officers of the G.P.U.
collected first the men, then the women and put them into a camp at Schwiebus. From there they were moved to Russia. The last
transport of 5000-6000 people took place on April 6th. Many died of
hunger, cold and sickness. Very few were able to return.
Women in Schonlanke
removed the cobblestones in the 140 m long and 70 m wide Market Place and they
hauled in topsoil from the outlying fields in pails and baskets. The former
Market Place was transformed into a park with trees, benches and walkways and a
fountain. In front of the Protestant Church a memorial was erected in the form
of a Pavilion in which 36 Russian soldiers found their last resting place.
Approximately 6000 people remained in the
city. The children from Bochum were transported back in July 1945. Weekly, some
people were allowed to accompany the so called grain trains which brought grain
to Pankow. For a long time the Russian word
"Uri-Uri" was heard and in the evening "Frau Komm
Mit" (come with me woman).
Our beautiful town is now Polish and looks
totally different. Where there were houses, the railway station, and market
place is now parks, trees and bushes. The railway station is rebuilt. Also a
sports field, a new school and apartments were rebuilt.
I am the author of this report and was
injured on January 27 with fragments of shells in both my legs. After many
tortures and beatings I was moved to Schwiebus with
14 men and 10 women. A Russian female Doctor released us as invalids. After
strenuous walks, on crutches, I reached the old homestead in 10 days on
September 22, 1945. Therefore I am an eyewitness of all the happenings the way
I have reported it.
Title, Der
Netzekreis - Altpommersches
Grenzland: Heimatbuch. Author, Paul Müller. Edition, 4. Publisher, Patenkreis
Nordfriesland, 1977.