

This Krolikowo is a manorial village near Schubin; the village was owned by the Rogalski family. This village is important to me as it is alternative location for the birth of my ancestor Christian Hoffman. Christian's wedding documents in Rawa say that he was born in Kolonie Krolikowo in the Duchy of Poznan. This Krolikowo is in the Duchy of Poznan but not a Kolonie (but there might have been such a Kolonie in 1800).

If this is so, he was born in manorial village and odds are that his father worked on the manorial farm. Here are pictures of the entrance gate, the estate house (gut) now a school, and a barn now a distillery.




Here is the village street at the entrance to the estate where the workers lived:


Please send any queries to Bill Remus at

February 29, 2008