Wilhelmine Hardwardt's Bible

What does it say just inside the front cover? (see below)

A very helpful woman in Germany, Irene Kopetzke, provided the very good translation of the notes on the inside of the Wilhelmine Harwardt Remus family bible now in the hands of Richard Remus. Below you will find her (1) German version, (2) her loose translation and (3) my smoother translation. Here it is ....

PART 1 in German (line by line):-

* Jakop Harwardt, Wilhelmine Dorotea?

* Harwardt geborene (Kutke, Kubke, Ketke, Kekke???) sind meine

* Eltern

* 1921

* Joh. Wilhelmine Remus, bin

* geboren 1847 in Deutschland,

* bin 1866 mit Eltern und Geschwistern nach

* Russland gezogen. 1867 habe nach Gottes Willen

* mich in Ehe Stand gesetzt, habe mit Gottes Huelfe

* 14 Kinder geboren. 1891 sind wir von Russland

* nach Canada eingewandert. Von den Kindern

* sind 4 in die Ewigkeit uns vorangegangen.

* 10 sind noch am Leben, 2 Toechter, 8 Soehne.

* 48 Enkel, 36 sind am Leben, 12 sind tod. Ur(enkel)

* 11 bis jetzt, was Gott weiter uns .....

* (lassen, werden wir hernach? ..... ). Heute

* haben wir 25. Maerz 1921, Karfreitag.


* Mein Mann ist in Tuchel geboren

* im Jahre 1840, Regierungsbezirk Marien-

* werder in Deutschland.

* Ist 24 Jahre alt gewesen, dann ist er nach

* Polen gewandert, hat 3 Jahre da gearbeitet.

* Von da ist er nach Russland 1867 (1866?) gekommen,

* sind wir in Ehestand getreten.

PART II Irene's loose translation:

Jakob Harwardt (and) Wilhelmine Dorotea? Harwardt née (Kutke, Kubke, Ketke,

Kekke or anything similar?) are my parents.


(Johanna?) Wilhelmine Remus, (I) was born 1847 in Germany, in 1866 moved to

Russia with (my) parents, brothers and sisters. In 1867 married through

God's sake. With the help of God, I gave birth to 14 children. In 1891 we

immigrated to Canada. 4 of the children preceded us into eternity, 10 are

still alive, 2 daughters, 8 sons. 48 grandchildren, 36 are alive, 12

deceased. 11 great-grandchildren so far, what God will further .......... .

Today we have March 25, 1921, Good Friday.

My husband was born in Tuchel in 1840, district of Marienwerder in Germany.

(He) was 24 years old when he moved to Poland, was working there for 3

years. From there he came to Russia in 1867 (1866?) and we got married.

PART III Bill's smoother translation

This was written by Wilhelmine Harwardt Remus on March 25, 1921.

Jakob Harwardt and Wilhelmine Dorothea Harwardt née (Kutke, Kubke, Ketke, Kekke or anything similar?) are my parents.

I, Wilhelmine Remus, was born 1847 in Germany and in 1866 moved to Russia with my parents, brothers and sisters. In 1867 I married through God's sake. With the help of God, I gave birth to 14 children. In 1891 we immigrated to Canada. Four of the children preceded us into eternity, 10 are still alive, 2 daughters, 8 sons. I have 48 grandchildren, 36 are alive, 12 deceased. 11 great-grandchildren so far. What God will further?

Today we have March 25, 1921, Good Friday.

My husband was born in Tuchel in 1840, district of Marienwerder in Germany. He was 24 years old when he moved to Poland, was working there for 3 years. From there he came to Russia in 1867 (1866?) and we got married.


Wilhelmine says she was born in Germany. In 1847 Germany (more correctly Prussia) incorporated part of modern Poland. Wilhelmine, according to her marriage record, was born near Tschepanowo, Mogilno, Poland (a village between Posen and Warsaw). Similarly her husband was born in the part of Prussia now part of Poland. Tuchel, West Prussia is south of modern Gdansk Poland; its Polish name is Tuchola. Her reference to August moving to Poland means moving from West Prussia to Russian occupied Poland prior to moving to Volhynia, Russia.


Part V Another Excellent Translation from Eva Childs:


Please send any information and queries to Bill Remus at
