Aegidius Rehm (1526-1536)

Aegidius Rehm war ein begabter Mann, der seine Studien an italienischen Universitaten machte und den akademischen Grad eines Doktors des Rechte erwarb. Er was gebildet und schriftstellerisch tatig. Anders als sein Vorganger neigte Rehm zum entschiedenem Regieren und festem Zupacken, was ihn wenig beliebt machte. Nach ihm fuhrte angeblich der Salzburger Erzbischof kurze Zeit die Administration des Bistums Chiemsee. (George Mau, Die Deutschen Bischoufe angesichihs der Glasubeusspatung des 16. Jahrhundrets, Mediatrix-Verlag, Wein, 1983, p. 464)


This translates as: 

Aegidius Rehm was a talented man who studied at an Italian University and acquired the degree of doctor of laws. He was cultured and was a fine writer. Unlike his predecessor (Berthold Purstinger), Rehm was inclined to govern firmly, which made him not very popular. The Archbishop of Salzburg (Cardinal Matthaus Lang) assumed the administration of the Chiemsee diocese for a short time (at the end of Rehm's term).


"Evidence of interest in the Lutheran cause is spotty for the 1520's and 1530's in Bavaria, but enough is known to indicate a wide spectrum of sympathy arising from the undoubted need for reform in the church and the reluctance of the responsible prelates (the archbishop of Salzburg and the bishops of Freising, Regensburg, Passau, and Chiemsee, who formed the hierarchy of his province in Bavaria) to undertake it." (from The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation under the topic Bavaria p. 129)

So perhaps our Martin was too forceful in trying to reform his bishopric.


"The archbishop of Salzburg, Cardinal Matthaus Lang, attempted to remedy the sad state of the diocesan clergy and to prevent the spread of reformation writings. … Cardinal Matthaus Lang proved to be a relentless opponent of the new doctrine (the reformation) …" from the same under the topic of Salzburg.

So perhaps our Aegidius turned out to be too reform minded. In that period such people were expelled from Bavaria or even killed.