Saxaren (Dziegciarnia), Kreis Wirsitz, Posen

Saxaren is a village in Kreis Wirsitz just south of Vandsburg in Kreis Flatow. You will see Saxaren in the lower left-hand corner of the following map:

This region was full of Remus families (and some in this village as was also the related Jacobi family). Also the Fischer and Dietrich families who were ancestors of Dave and Elaine Pardoe were here. Saxaren apparently was originally a manorial village. This area became part of Poland after World War I and like many villages in the newly created Poland, it appears that the manorial farm was broken up into small farms following the war. Here is a circa 1939 map of Saxaren from Paperstein's book Der Kreis Wirsitz:

Following are pictures of the village including the old Lutheran Church shown on the above map . These pictures were taken by Dave and Elaine Pardoe who were kind enough to let me to include them here.

Houses in the village

Two Pictures of the Church

The Old Lutheran Cemetery


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Please send any queries to Bill Remus at

Updated on November 15, 2008.