

Most of the children of Christoph Remus and Eva Meske were born in Vorwerk Lukowo, an extension of the village of Sypniewo that Christoph managed until about 1744 when he began to move to Waldau. In 1749, Ludwica Dzialynski of Sypniewo owned this land. The birth and marriage records for this village are in the Sypniewo church book and all baptisms and marriages were recorded in Sypniewo. This family is shown in the 1772 census for Waldau. Here is that record:

Remus, Christoph Waldau Cammin 18113047 6039 227 51

Remuss, Christoph Waldau Cammin 18113047 6041 115 51(duplicate)

Christoph Remuss is living with wife (Eva Meske), two sons (Martin and Franz), three daughters (Marianna, Eva and Christine); there are seven in household. Christoph is listed under a column labeled Halbbauern/literally half farmer. So he had some other work (running the village) and farmed half time. Click here for Christoph's descendents.

Christoph's brother Lorenz Christoph also lived in Lukowo during this time period with his family. Lorenz, his wife Marianna Wenske, and their family stayed there until the 1760's when he moved to Vorwerk Gnielke and became a gentleman farmer. Here is the 1772 census record:

Remus Lorentz Kleindorf/Dreidorf Grabionne 9 - 218

This record shows him as head of household, with his wife (Marianna Wenske was the sister of schultz David Wenske family of nearby Schwente) and one daughter (Christina). When Lorenz Christoph died, the estate (gut) they owned in Gnielke was inherited by Christina Remus and her husband Johan Schlieper. It remained in the Schlieper family for many years. Click here for Lorenz Christoph's descendents.

Lukowo has a lovely lakeside location that is 3.5 kilometers east of Sypniewo. The village is now deserted (it existed only from 1700 to 1770 according to Walter Maas) but the name Lukowo is still part of some farms mailing address in the area. Here is the east view:

Click here for the Adobe Acrobat Version of that picture.


Here is the west view:

Click here for the Adobe Acrobat Version of the picture; the picture shows where the village was located long ago.

Click here for the Adobe Acrobat Version of an 1874 map of the village.

here to see more pictures of the modern village.

Who was here in 1745?

Daniel Remus shown above is actually Lorenz Christoph Remus.

Click here to see a 1914 Map centered on Lukowo.

Click here to go to other West Prussia Villages.

Please send any queries to Bill Remus at


October 29, 2006