Prust (Pruszcz)

Prust is a village just to the east of Waldau and northeast of Vandsburg and Zbosse. So there were many Remus families there in the 1800's in spite of the sandy soil in the area. Descendents of Christoph Remus and Eva Meske, formerly of Waldau and Lukowo, lived in this village, as did descendents of Johan Remus and Eva Wiedenhoft. Click here for the descendents of Christoph Remus and Eva Meske. Click here for the descendents of Johan Remus and Eva Wiedenhoft. . Click here for the genealogy of the Jacob Moddelmog family which married into the Remus family.

These families intermarried with both Germans and local Poles and so appeared in both Catholic and Evangelical Church Books. Since some were quite Polonized thereby, they were more likely not to have been ethnically cleansed by the Russians in 1944 and so remained in the area. I visited one Remus in nearby Bagnitz but he had no knowledge or interest in his heritage. Here are some pictures from the modern village:



And here are some recent Remus grave sites in the churchyard:


Click here to go to other West Prussia Villages.


Please send any queries to Bill Remus at

September 6, 2007